Grapefruit is a mixture of two Sativa dominant strains

Grapefruit is a Sativa dominant hybrid. It is the combination of two Sativa dominant strains which are well known as BC grapefruit and nectar’s grapefruit. Both strains are popular for powerful high mood. In it Sativa and Indica are found 70% and 30% inratio. THC content has been recorded at 20% to 25%. Whereas the CBN volume is 1 %. It gets flowered in approximately 60 to 70 days. It can be grown both indoor and outdoor. So from the cultivation point of view it moderate. Grapefruit is a perfect option for a wake and bake strain. The aroma of this marijuana is more likely powerful citrus scent, sour grapefruit note. During the time of consumption, this releases the skunky and earthy scent. Flavors of this marijuana are on sour and acidic notes followed by earthy and ashes tones. The final touch you experience is some spicy tongue with outstanding fun. Intake of Grapefruit would take you away in relaxation and spicy cerebral. Casually it is used to cure chronic pain, migraine, and stress. It’s a good option to medicate anxiety and depression making you over of all the worries. If you are the person with low stamina at the very start of the day, this can prove the bet ever strain for you in the morning. Effects after using this may come forward as dry eyes and dry mouth. One could be experiencing dizziness and sleepiness. Which a common side effect of any strain.

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